Saturday, March 31, 2012

Keith Olbermann!

CBS announced via Twitter that the ousted political commentator will tell his side of the story on an episode of “The Late Show” next week.
Following the war of words that erupted on Twitter after Keith Olbermann was terminated from Current TV and replaced with Eliot Spitzer, CBS used the social networking medium to announce what might be the next chapter in this very public battle: Olbermann is scheduled to appear on The Late Show with David Letterman. Olbermann’s manager confirmed that he will appear on the talk show Tuesday, April 3.
Olbermann took to Twitter at approximately 2:30 PM PT to announce that he was fired, explaining both the circumstances of his departure and his subsequent plans for legal action against Current TV. Some 30 minutes prior, Current TV tweeted the link to an an open letter written by Al Gore and Joel Hyatt which stated that “the values of respect, openness, collegiality, and loyalty to our viewers… are no longer reflected in our relationship with Keith Olbermann and we have ended it.”
Since then, Current has not responded publicly to Olbermann’s allegations. Olbermann, meanwhile, has offered several jabs at his former home via his Twitter feed, retweeting followers who made observations like “weird how they see fit to replace a pro journalist w/a guy who got busted w/a Hooker,” and then adding, “Had to restore their ethics they said :).”
Given the legal ramifications of Olbermann’s announced lawsuit, it will be interesting to see what he is able to say, much less what he wants to, Tuesday evening on David Letterman’s show. But the pundit’s willingness to court controversy certainly indicates that his statements may only intensify they battle between himself and Current, no matter how diplomatically the network attempts to move forward with Spitzer as his replacement.