Thursday, December 29, 2011

Justin Bieber's grandparents injured in a serious car accident‎!

Justin Bieber’s grandparents were involved in a car crash near Stratford on Tuesday.Bruce and Diane Dale were on a back road in the Township of Perth East, northeast of their hometown of Stratford, when their SUV hit icy roads and fell into a ditch on Tuesday afternoon.Dale broke four ribs but Diane was unhurt.Bieber’s mother, Pattie Mallette, tweeted Tuesday night that her parents had been in a car accident and asked Bieber fans to pray for their quick recovery.“They flipped into a ditch & totalled the car but thank God they are alive! Plz pray 4 him 4 quick healing! Count your blessings & forgive Ur parents always.
 U never know what tomorrow holds!!!” she tweeted.Within minutes, her request went viral with “#prayforjustinsgrandparents” and “Bruce and Diane” trending on Twitter.A flash freeze caught Dale, who was driving, off-guard around 1 p.m., said Const. Kees Wijnands, who handles media for the Ontario Provincial Police in Perth County.“The vehicle rolled in a ditch and hit some shrubbery and small trees. The vehicle ended up back on its wheels but it made a complete roll,” Wijnands said. “The vehicle was completely demolished, and the two occupants were okay.”Dale was taken to Stratford General Hospital, where he was treated and released the same day.Pop sensation Bieber, who was in Stratford for the holidays, has not commented on the accident.